Should Blender switch to SunFlow?

Ah yes, I see…nodes, once again. I admit I have not looked deeply into them, since I work a lot with Yafray and now Indigo, so I can’t really take advantage of their use. True, if they would be integrated in the workflow with other rendering engines, I’d probably use them more often.

…although, as I said, I don’t really miss them. Maybe because I don’t really know a lot about them.

I should clarify. It’s not fair or accurate to call the Render API ‘vaporware’. Aaron has done a reasonable amount of work on it, including spending a lot of time researching the requirements from other renderers, working out a good API design, and doing some coding too.
Agreed, his work does deserve respect. I’m curious now to see if/how this relates to the existing renderers. Getting subversion…

he didn’t say that he wouldn’t like to have it
I’m aware of that, but that’s wasn’t my point. I’m supporting a good idea.

In the meantime, I’ll be considering a python rendering interface to support not just stills but animation as well.

forget about sunflow!

we’ve got QuietDune (qdune). The code has been commited, it’s not linked to the Blender interface yet. But the code’s in the SVN since 2 days ago or so. RenderMan all the way!!! YEY!

Wow, second’d.

Either way, great changes will come to us who stay Blenderheads and wait.

I’m not sure I follow what some people are saying 100%.

Yafray’s not been updated for a long time, that’s true. But, like has been said, Yaf(a)ray is being developed, and from what I can gather, it’s going to be quicker, and more easily used, that it’s predecessor.

And with that said, I wonder, what more could be asked of Yafray?

People are grumbling because of lack of updates. Just because the renderer isn’t being updated regularly anymore doesn’t mean that it’s not really, really good.

I wonder if people are still searching for a renderer that does all of the work for them.

I wonder that there’s not much discussion about pixie. I’ve visited their site and noticed that it’s really advanced and has new versions very often.

If it would be possible, I’d be all for it. but it seems now unlikely move [unless render api shows some advancement]. Given that QDUNE jumped into SVN.

I always wondered the following:
Why don’t the developers of the external renderers do not work for some time on the internal Blender renderer. It would be very great to have 10 people working on improving the internal renderer by the people with Yafray/Sunflow/etc. coding experience… …