Shroom Goddess Update

Rendered/Rigged in Blender.
Modeled in Lightwave, Blender, & Wings.

WOW! Awesome dickie!! :o

Nicely rendered in Blender too! Would like to see a LW render, if you have one/can do one.


P.S. - /me adds dickie to his Hate List 2002

  1. imgrandpaboy/blengine
  2. dickie

Nice work…I like the textures, and like most of your work, she rocks

Can’t weight to see the animation


I really, really, REALLY like the skin texture on her… can I have it? :smiley:


really cool,

how did you managed to do better than previous version???


shes so beautiful man =)
u did a great job and i especially like the outfit u gave her, its amazing…
the whole thing has such a professional touch, especially with that cool backdrop… whew, wonderful

Rigged, eh? I’ve always loved your stills. And you’re going to animate this? Unbelievably cool. I like this edition over the original.

As long as we’re WIP’ing here, I’d put a few wrinkles into the cape, unless it’s supposed to be a heavy, thick leather. Also, I see some texture stretching on the lower corner of the cape.

The way the texturing and shading breaks on the top of her shroom crest looks inorganic.

I love the backdrop, the SF-novel-cover pose, and the boot texture.

as always(sigh)excellent work!i particularly like your use of dirty textures.
very difficult(for me) great stuff!


Totally awesome! Great textures, lighting, everything, as always…

sorry for the delayed response.
my computer was wigging out on me
from the moment i got home last
night till i left for work this afternoon.

i updated a few elements…
i thought the crown dominated her face too much…
i also added some garbage to her belt/skirt to make it
more organic feeling.
i imagine a snake skin texture to the touch.


here’s a shot of the LightWave render.

i bounce back and forth between Blender and LW
quite a bit…
you can tell that Lightwave adds a bit of sharpness to the image…

…and the breasts seem to be a tad more…round in LW.
but Blender’s illustrated painterly feel is pretty classic i think.

super rixtr66 said:

as always(sigh)excellent work!i particularly like your use of dirty textures. very difficult(for me) great stuff!

WHATEVER! crack me in 2 rixtr! your renders always blow me away!
thanks though, it means an extreme amount to me to know you
value what i do.

i think the trick to the dirty textures is multiple subtle layers.
just a splash of veins here, a touch of clouds 2 there…
you know, like BOB ROSS. :slight_smile:

harkyman inquired:

Rigged, eh? I’ve always loved your stills. And you’re going to animate this?

Yeah! she’s gonna be in a 60 second-ish short-short.
there’s more characters too…
and get this, SCENERY! whoohoo!

harkyman shot out:

The way the texturing and shading breaks on the top of her shroom crest looks inorganic.

you’re totally right. i’ll have to find a way to bleed the two surfaces together…

s68 wrote:

how did you managed to do better than previous version??

hehe :slight_smile: i rendered it in blender. :slight_smile:

thanks for the feedback.

like everyone here, i hope (even pray sometimes)
that blender won’t be shackled down to 2.23/2.25.

we share a tight bond as a community…
probally due to the fact that most of us as blender users
tend to think outside the box…we’re not usually afraid
of defying the norm…

i think we also somewhat communistic, in the truest
form of the word. we all give to eachother,
whether through tutorials or simply through inspiring images and
confidence building feedback.

thanks for the refraction plugin!
i used it in the metal ornament
and saphire textures.

you wrote the nurbs mouse-head tut, right?
if so, you taught me blender. that was my first project…


more beautiful art once again…

Really? Wow, I’m honored, seriously, as far as I’m concerned you’re at the top of my Admiration/Inspiration list…

you wrote the nurbs mouse-head tut, right?
if so, you taught me blender. that was my first project…


No, unfortunately my modeling skill don’t go any further than some heavily textured boxes, or maybe when I get really adventurous I try to throw in a sphere sometimes… :wink:
I think the original author of that was the one and only Kib_Tph (Timothy Kanters), WebMaster of this very site…

dickie, thanks for the LW render. Yeah, LW does make it look a little better. I agree with you on the paint like feel you get from the Blender render though.

I have played with LW 7 a little bit, just some tutes, etc. Nothing of this magnitude though. I like the way it works. Just need to buckle down with it a bit more. It definitely seems to be the closest high end package to Blender for ease of use, IMHO.

Can’t wait to see the anim for this one dickie. Will you be using Blender or LW for the anim?


Will you be using Blender or LW for the anim?

i’m thinking Blender right now…

Hey thats gorgeous work. I really love the texturing.
Keep up the good work!


PS : How do you get textured objects into LW? As far as I know vrml1 and dfx don’t include textures.

here’s a close up of the face…

the main texture came from
a painted UVMap i made.
I unwrapped the object in lightwave 7 to
fit the map coordinates of the texture
the same way i did in blender 2.25.
i also used another prog called
ultimate unwrap 3d:
that is great for assigning UVs.