guys, I’ve been using sIBL GUI for months,the importer add-on for blender worked perfect with 2.77a ,
but does’t really work in 2.78 RC and the version above, basically blennder itself will close right after I hit the ‘Export button’ in the sIBL GUI
sometimes it will work,but most cases it is just like get triggered and close.
so I wonder if any of you guys encountered same problem or it is just on my machine. and any chance solve the problem?
confirming this with blender 2.78 release, sibl gui 4.0.8 and the usual script from
I have the feeling (and no better way to evaluate these crashes) that the problem comes from the script. I’m going to try to contact the author and ask I’ll let you know.
I’'m not using it much these days so the addon has not been updated for the API changes introduced by 2.78 (or 2.77 for that matter). I’ll try to take a look when I have time, but for now I’m afraid Blender versions after 2.76 should be considered unsupported.
Thank you Jed for looking into this and hopefully finding time to fix it for the new 2.78 API. I use sIBL with your add-on in Blender from a long time and I like it very much.
My previous post was related to testing the sIBL add-on version 0.4 and sIBL GUI 4.0.8 on Blender 2.78a 64bit official release. Then, just for curiosity because I tend not to use development builds but only the official ones, I tried the add-on with a recent development build, Blender 2.78.4 dated 2016-12-19 [Hash: bd42987] and … it works perfectly! I don’t know what the developers did but I am now able to export any of the sIBL’s setups to Blender flawlessly, one after another, while before with Blender’s official version I had to delete all the rigs and images in Blender before being able to export a new one from sIBL GUI.
Perhaps I’m only lucky and with the next development build it will stop working properly again, therefore I cross my fingers. Could someone else test it too? Thanks.
I’ve just got a new laptop with Windows 10 Pro 64bit (it’s an ASUS G752VS), and testing the latest 64bit build (Hash: 3d243eb) the sIBL add-on and related sIBL GUI 4.0.8 behaves now erratically: sometimes it works but usually when I push the button “Send To Software” Blender closes/crashes returning an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error message in the debug console window.
On the other hand, on the other laptop with Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, this same build works perfectly, I mean no errors and I can change sIBL environments setup one after another from the sIBL GUI application as per my previous post. So, now I am a little bit confused. Does anybody has any suggestions or ideas? Cheers.
I suspect it is a more general issue. I cannot confirm the specific but note :
Google “blender 2.78 crashes on linking” and you will find several issues and bug reports. I had such issues, i couldn’t transfer data between files, even cut and paste crashed.
I switched to 2.78b (for linux in my case) and all is good.
I am using Sibl GUI 4.0 with Blender 2.78C and it works for me first time around, but if I change the SiBL scene, it has to be done manually, otherwise I get errors or Blender crashes. (Windows 8.1 64-bit) It crashes 2.79 consistently if I try to use it at all.
To me, the last version of Blender this add-on works with is 2.76. I wish to know python programming to help fixing this issue because sIBL is really a good solution not only to use HDR images inside Blender but also to manage third parties HDRi and edit them.
Yeah, admittedly, it would be nice to have this working in newer versions. I usually just drop back a couple of versions to set it up then load the file in the latest version. Likewise the Lightwave Object Importer works better in Blender 2.75 so that versions sits on my PC for conversions of my old assets. If both plugins worked in 2.79 it would be easier.
Yeah it’s a pitty that the script importer for Blender is not at the same level than the scripts for other programs.
Even the features are not the same, for example compared to the version for Maya, it lacks the sphere with the environment as texture visible only for the viewport, which is very useful as a guide for tweaking the position and size of the lights. It is specially useful in complex scenes where you have to reconstruct part of the original environment to effect the lighting.
Instead of that there is an empty with a spherical shape, but it misses that functionality.
if you ever had any chance step across here and still looking for way to work with sIBL gui. forget it, it’s dead. here is my personal alternative solution. and I attached my setup file below.
_ it’s still how sIBL deal with IBL in blender, use blured low res HDR for lighting, hires HDR image for reflection ,and Jpg file for background display.
_also be aware of It’s not a script , only couple node groups I created to simplify the IBL enviroment setting have to prepare the HDRI image library yourself.
it’s 2018 now, I 'm not sure about how many people still have any interest in this, so I wont input a lot words here, if you need any help, pleas leave me a message.
this is my overall set up, most knowledge grabbed from Andrew Price’s youtube tut.
Well, actually I think you are missing the point. What makes sIBL such a great tool is not only that it creates the 3 HDRIs (the blurred for environment lighting, reflection and background). It’s the fact that the program creates the complete setup with the necessary lights, constraints, etc, for recreating the environment, and exports it in quite an automatic and quick way to the 3d program.
It’s useful in production when you have to create environments for every shot, to match the backplate, and the complete world must be moved or rotated with the camera tracking.
Of course you can set it up manually, but it’s not the same. The other solutions you are pointing out don’t create this kind of complete setup.
The thing is that sometimes only an HDRI is not enough to create the lighting of the environment, as there may be several lights and objects bouncing and interacting in the scene, with different positions. So you have to add extra lights. Sure one HDRI may be enough for an open field exterior, but in a room for example, or when there are sources of light that are close to the caracter, it’s not enough. And if the character is moving the situation gets more complicated.
So that’s why sIBL is a really good tool. With sIBLedit you can create the specific environments for the shots, with the lights, and then with sIBL GUI export all the setup to the 3d program.
Anyway thank you Pengyu for your idea of a manual solution But again I think it would be good to have a sIBL importer script for Blender 2.8.