Turning on silhouette mode simply activates a bunch of blender internal view-port settings, in your case, after you turned the silhouette mode on, and off, some of those settings aren’t turned back to the previous values.
I’m amused Blender doesn’t simply have a black MATCAP to achieve this silhouette effect. You had to turn system lights off for this. I found it extremely hilarious. LOL
I’m amused Blender doesn’t simply have a black MATCAP to achieve this silhouette effect. You had to turn system lights off for this. I found it extremely hilarious. LOL
Hiya, we adopted the Silhouette addon awhile back and I’ve since made it also compatible with 2.8 (using the same approach as Proxe you run in the video above, but hey - a button is always easier, right?). Happy to send a pull request to the original repository if one exists, don’t want to claim credit to the whole thing!
I wonder if blender will ship with a silhouette lighting preset, it is very easy to make it, turn off all the lights when editing a studio light and save in preferences.
This addon was originally created when it wasn’t so simple to achieve with builtin tools, as such it is unlikely that i will develop it further.
I could try to convert for 2.8, or look into it. I’ve converted 2-3 of other scripts from 2.79, fairly easily so far. But depends how complicated it is or not.
Oh, I totally forgot about this. Was peaking at the code now, but might be a bit of work.
I’d have to look more into it. I wonder if some functions even work/are supported anymore.