here is a NodeGroup “Silhouette” that can be used in objects Materials.
It adds a Silhouette of the Player if behind objects.
What is needed:
- renderplane object that has an image texture and runs the script “Silhouette.py”
- a main Camera
- a Camera called “rendercam”
- a Player
- a copy of your Player called “Silhouette”
The script positions the rendercam and Silhouette 20 meters below the Camera to capture the Silhouette without a background and copies all movements
This position can be edited in Script how you need it.
rendercam and main Camera must have the same settings.
The Script will set most automatically but “Sensor Width” has to be set manually.
For the system to work correctly all render resolutions must be set the same everywhere and match the final render resolution.
UPBGE_0.3_Silhouette_NodeGroup.blend (1.0 MB)