SILLY DOH! My first official short film!!!! (live action but with blender)

Hello people I’ve been working on this short for way to long!!
and its time to release it unto the world!!!
this is the WIP thread if some of you remember

check it out!!
tell me what you think!

watch the trailer first :

And join the facebook group!

and now here is the full movie!

Facebook version:

Youtube version:

feel free to add me on facebook also if you want :slight_smile:

Looks very good.
Some talent there!


I’ve seen and it looks so good. Obviously there are a lot of typical issues from an amateur movie, but yours defends by itself.

Liked specially the first part, introducing the plot and so. I don’t full understand the end, and in addition the release of the plot at this part is slightly confusing (kid is escaping or trying to attack the monster?).

Anyway good work. It reminds me the early (or not so) works of Colin Levy, congratulations!

lol what happened to the cat

that my friend is one mystery I am leaving to the viewer :eyebrowlift:

hey everyone the bloopers are now up on youtube and the behind the scenes
check them out