Similar Plugin to Oldie?

Does anyone know if there is a plugin similar to this older one (which is no longer available)?

As well, any other good usability plugins you can recommend to a newbie? :wink:


That script (plugins are something else in Blender) does work in 2.42a; I use it all the time.

Find your “.blender\scripts” folder and unpack the zip in there. Open a Scripts Window, click “Scripts”, and click “Update Menus”. Then in the 3D Window Header click “View” and then “Space Handler Scripts”. You may have to use Ctrl-Uparrow to see it at the top of the menu popup if you’re using a low screen resolution. Click on “Event” and “Draw” for to activate them (and click again to deactivate).

If you want them to stay in your default startup blend (B.blend) do all the above in a New file, set your Windows, Headers and Views back the way they were and press Ctrl-U to “Save Default”.


Thanks for the help, although the above script is not available for download any longer…what I am asking is if anyone knows if there are any others like it (or perhaps maybe an alternative download location for this one)?
