simple Alpha effects

Hi I did a complete tutorial covering Creating a corona in GIMP and applying it in blender to a mesh.
the tutorial goes on to show how to make a alpha masked blender material and a few very simple tweaks to show the power of blender material system :smiley:

Hope you all like it,

quite nice and well done.
Weird Gimp theme? :slight_smile:
The name of the filter is ā€œGFlareā€ I guess
Probably these FX will be used as ā€œHaloā€ or ā€œBilboardā€, so, donā€™t
need ā€œTwosideā€ enabled?!
In the beginning of the Blender part thereā€™s two ā€œrotationā€ spell errors
Bye and thank you.

Billboard and halo are sometimes subject to very strange and sudden rotations. Twoside is just safer from my point of view.

Yeah, but twoside doesnā€™t show your object from the sides.

thank you OTO!

yea I have a funny windows theme
I will fix later on , I dont have my ftp password here at work.

I made the sheet 2 sided so I did not have to explane flipping the faces in edit mode,

very nice! thanks for your work!
ps, if you could describe similar functions in photoshop thatā€™d be sick!

ps, if you could describe similar functions in photoshop thatā€™d be sick!

Yea, I wish I had Photoshop. I have been a gimp user for a very long time.

Thanks for all the great feedback!
I have fixed all the spelling, thanks again OTO! :slight_smile:

thanks this realy helped me

Hi the blenderizer!

Glad you liked it, Alpha masks can really make some nice effects in the blender game engine .

You can do this with the blend texture and some cool color effects as well.