Simple animal/character for first time

Hello all! As you know already if you’ve seen my other thread, some friends and I are in the beginning stages of making a videogame, or rather, of working out the details. I’m practicing my 3D modeling, and I would loooove to make an animal (or, if it’s easier for my first time, a person, though I’d prefer an animal) with some simple animation at least.
A horse or unicorn would be my ultimate goal, but what animal or person would be easiest for my first time? I am a perfectionist and I love realistic styles, so if I’m to make something it would have to be realistic…
Could anyone point me toward a specific animal and/or a nice tutorial that shows how to make one?
I don’t much care how much work it takes, just that it’s something I can understand :smiley:
Thanks in advance!

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I’m practicing my 3D modeling, and I would loooove to make an animal (or, if it’s easier for my first time, a person, though I’d prefer an animal) with some simple animation at least.

Animating is quiet complex and if you are new to 3D Modeling, you should postpone it until you are good at modeling, because you have to learn just too much things like building an armature, adjusting weight paint, add constraints, setting up Keyframes, aso aso.

I love realistic styles, so if I’m to make something it would have to be realistic

Realistic stands in contradiction to simple. But the easiest Animal that came into my mind was a Fish. Compared to a Human or Horse Model it’s alot easier.
For a Realistic Human model you need: teeth, nails, eyelids, hair,… an endless amount of details. And also it’s hard to get the proportions right.
And a Realistic Horse is about the same.
Now think about a fish. you have a base some fins, eyes and gill. No Hair, Fur, Eyelids or other tiny details. overall the shape of a fish is very smooth and has not alot of details compared to other animals.
So i googled a bit and found a pretty good tutorial which you could follow:
Fish Tutorial by Karl Coombs
Good luck with it :slight_smile: