Ok, I have a file that I made during a tut for glare nodes in cycles 2.71. Then I decided I wanted to check out some stuff with this node so I started my own file and I can’t get it to work. The only difference that I can see between the two files after cursing at them for a half hour is the emit node on the render boxes. One has it and one doesn’t:
You have emission color value set to 0.8 and the strength is 1, so the result is (rgb) 0.8, 0.8, 0.8. Glare node threshold is set to 1 and setting it to below 0.8 gives a result.
thanks, thought I had messed with all the buttons plus one of the tuts i was watching worked with the default settings, but he had the strength of the emission of the material set hight.
I am running 2.74. I can’t get the Glare filter to work. I tried to set up a scene just like the one you posted and my result is much different. The only thing I did differently, that I know of is I set the threshold to zero in both panels. Is Glare broken in 2.74 or am I missing something simple?