Simple Lego

instagram @sen_sei_art


did thy just got drunk ?
nice work , how did you change the faces ? is it more like textures ?

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yh, textures

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great, but its hard to switch texture evrynow and thin, i think thy souldv add some texture cordinates that can be animated, not really sure if it does Exist

textures rigged with a pose library

uv warp modifier

oh, i never herd of that before ? how does it work ?

basically a modifier that attaches a rig to a texture that you can create a pose library from, nice tutorial that helped me here

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ok ill check this out

alright mate

This is fun. Good job.

But I got to be honest those objects in the back are confusing.
The message on the cup is unclear and I have no idea what the other object is.

wow that some nice stuff , thank you for the link :slight_smile:

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thanks for that, they are just cups, bad ones i guess