HI everyone…i’ve asked this question before but havent been suceesfull in making it work…i’m making a first person shooter and i need my enemies to follow a simlpe path…i.e. walk back and forth in front of a door, thats the first thing id like help with and if i manage that i’d be happy…but after that is it possible to get them to stop there movement and start shooting you…i;m using blender 2.41 and the tuts i found didnt seem to match…any help on this would be really appreciated…thank you folks:confused:
Hmm. I’d use a near sensor set at inverse for the guy walking back and forth ipo and action, then a near sensor regular that triggered a trackto actuator and a shooting animation, with a gun sound.
cheers fireside…i sent you a private message just now …the thing is im not all that great yet at blender, but getting there so if you find the time to help out a bit more with this problem id be very greatfull…
Whenever I make an enemy AI, I make a bunch of python scripts to make them randomly explore the level, and then start shooting and pursue you when you are spotted.
If you want, i could give you a random map explorer script.
you can use the IPO
in each frame a location (no frames between locations) if there were frames between locations then it will move gradientally
then manage them with the IPO actuator
that will change the define the location