Hello everyone, i’m a newbie to blender,(about a total of twenty hours, so not so much of one) but i wanted a tute or something, or maybe some ideas and tips on how to make an easy and less time-consuming (not neccesarily) photo-realistic picture, which i can show to people…it need not be too great…perhaps something simple…(like i was thinking of a can…it should be easy!) your help will be appreciated!
Well if you want simple and easy photorealism… Well I don’t know if there is such a thing really. But you can make a good simple object and render with the Indigo renderer an that should help the looks a lot!
But photorealism takes years of practice. I have been using Blender for a year and a half and haven’t achieved that level by any means. It just takes time and practice but you will get there if you stay with the program. Good luck!
Awww…i was really counting on that…but its not like i want to acheive that ‘Level’…its just that i want to create any ordinary object which can be mistaken for a real picture, or likewise…maybe just some thing with a good environment…and not too detailed…
But thanks anyways dudebot; I wish the same to you, though i really wish i could make something like that…
You’ll need good texturing, lighting, and material. Considering the fact that you’re new, this may be difficult to achieve, however, there are shortcuts. One way to improve your materials is by learning from others. Get a bunch of free material libraries from online. You can get quite a few from the Official Blender Website (under “Resources”). Use presets done by others, but also learn from them. Search for hi-resolution textures. Textures help improve the realism in one’s render. Lighting can be one of the most difficult things to pull off for starters and the reason for this is because of the amount of control one has over the subject. One known fact of life is that automation tends to make things easier, but is limited at certain points. Search up: “Ambient Occlusion”. Ambient Occlusion is a great friend for newbies for lighting. It pretty much lights up your scene automatically, giving you better results than you would have had considering the fact that you are new to lighting.