Simple physics causing problems

Right, enough is enough, I want to learn what I’m doing wrong and why Blender does what it does.

Imagine the scene. One sphere at the top of a slope, at the bottom, 4 cubes stacked on top of oneanother.


Why doesn’t my sphere ‘hug’ the slope? It always ‘hovers’ as it rolls down.
Why is the a ‘gap’ when the sphere hits the cubes
Why do the cubes ‘jump’ into place upon pressing ‘P’
Why do I constantly have a ‘spherical’ bound around the cubes, despite selecting “Bounds–>Cube”

Would really appreciate some answers on these simple things.

  1. if your sphere’s collision model (as represented by the sphere) is larger than the actual sphere, it will obviously hover over the ground. You can change the behaviour by tweaking the ‘size’ value so that the collison spher is the same size as the actual spher. (or select a non-size dependent collision model such as cube, or convex polytope)

  2. again, because the collision box is larger than the actual geometry.

  3. are the cubes overlapping each other to begin with?

  4. don’t worry about it, as long as you select a differnent collison model, blender will use that instead of the spher. so just ignore the sphere.