Simple question about coordinates


I’ve been modelling with Blender for a while, have done animations, UV mappings, coded exporters in Python etc.

But I just realised that I don’t have the faintest clue on how to find the coordinates of a point! :o

Basically, is there a way in the Blender GUI to display the coordinates of the point you just added/selected in EditMode? Note that I don’t want to know the pos/rot of an object, but rather the position of a single point - knowing the position of the cursor probably would do as well.

Thanks a lot for the help, guys.


… i only been usin blender 4 a few weeks, i suck @ animations and modelling, have no clue about uv maping and surtainly not about python… but when u’r in edit mode, try pressing N :Z, i think that’s what u’r lookin 4

Duh! You’re right - thanks! :expressionless:

Note that I knew about N in object mode (for the pos/rot) but it did not occur to me that it would do it for the active vert in edit mode.

I do need to get my brain checked…


lol, gl wiv yer brain, glad i could b the one 2 help 4 a change :smiley:

Funnily enough, the values in the ‘NKEY’ dialog seem to have a very limited accuracy. I was looking at a quad that was visibly NOT a square, it was more of a trapezoid (sp?), and going NKEY on the 4 verts (that were roughly distributed around the origin) said that X and Y coords on all of them were +/- 0.040. I am sure if I exported it with python I would get the differences (e.g. one would be 0.042 and the other 0.038), but it sounds strange that the dialog only has accuracy up to 2 decimal places, while displaying 3…


It’s even stanger given the fact that Blender actually take into account much more precise values. Try to zoom in on a vertice as much as you can and then enter a small value for, let’s say, LocX ; say that it is at 1.842, enter 1.84201 and watch the effect.

BTW, the information you get for a given vertex is relative to the center of the object, not the origin of the world. Create two planes at different places and select the upper-right vertex of each. Do Nkey = same readings.


NKEY window shows 3 decimal digits, and that’s Blender accuracy :slight_smile:


I know what he means though: you only see the 3 decimals if you shift-click on the number… If you don’t, you only see two numbers

you have more experience than I’ll ever gather : how do you explain the results of this little experience ?

In a front view
center the 3D cursor using ctrl+c
center the view using Ckey
make a plane
move it one in object one mode unit down, one to the left, holding ctrl so one vertex will sit right on the origin
go back in edit mode
select only the vertex on the origin
press Nkey and read LocX : 1.00
click LMB on LocX and read : 1.000
take no chance and enter 1.000
zoom to the maximum on the vertex
in the Nkey dialog enter 1.0001 for LocX
watch the vertex move to the right
in the Nkey dialog enter 1.00001 for LocX
the movement should still be visible but only slightly
in the Nkey dialog enter 1.000005
that quite the limit on my 17" monitor but it still is visible

I suspect that the limit of what Blender takes into account is further down but it would be hard to see ; does not mean that it has no effect…



who knows :slight_smile:

Well, Blender uses floats for coordinates, and those have lots of

In older versions:

If you have a vertex in 1.005 (which is possible)
and scale by 1.010 (which is still possible)
it will end in 1.005*1.010 = 1.01505

ad will be there and drawn there!

but as soon as you try to enter its position numerically you
will be limited to 3 decimal digits… and ve vertex moves
to the 3-digit point

ow I checked 2.28 and it behaves like you said…

someone must have changed something :slight_smile:
