Hi, I am currently checking out the Blender game engine as a possible alternative to the IRIX Performer for very basic VR things.
For those of you who don’t know, IRIX Performer is a programing environment around the OpenGL standard on IRIX and Linux machines, and maybe the number one choice in anything that concerns individual realtime 3d visualisation solutions (there are others like Open Inventor, but I prefer Performer). One of the most commonly tasks done in Performer is a simple “walk through” through a building or stuff like that…a very basic functionality which still requires a bit of programming. I have done several of similar and more complex projects in the past, and know I’d like to take a look into the blender game engine.
I heard that it is not as fast and by far not as powerful as Performer, but that’s not a problem since I am looking for a very specific kind of solution, namely the mentioned walktrough, so all the functionality I need is the possibility to move the camera in first person view with the arrow keys, to look around with the mouse (no movement, just controls camera rotation) and of course clipping has to be implemented, so that if I run against a wall, I stop. A basic form of gravitation does also have to be there, so if I go down a stair, the camera actually “levels” on the floor.
Is it hard to do this? I searched this forum but didn’t find exactly what I was looking for. Could anyone point me into the right direction? An example .blend file, a tutorial, whatever?
5000 polys is just a very general “good amount”
There are many ways to speed up things.
And you can break your “big” scene in many “little” ones that can
run very fast
you can do a real big scenario… but you can limit the poly count to… 5000 per room… so that when you go from one room to the other, one is loeaded and the other is unloaded… using actuators such as replace object or the old-new visibility option… you can achieve your… objective