Simple Renaming Panel

I added the functionality to rename selected collections to version 1.6.0. You have to call the panel from the outliner with Ctrl + F2 for it to work. It won’t work when using the properties panel or calling the panel from the 3D View

Same as the message above, added it to the last release

I exposed the renaming panel to the Outliner in v 1.6.0

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Hello Weisl,
I noted that on this latest version (1_6_0), renaming an ‘Action’ on a selected object renames actions of that object and other objects not selected. Never noticed this previously. Any help would be greatly appreciated

I just double-checked, Renaming actions for selected objects hasn’t been available in previous versions too (at least v.1.5.3). I can see how it is handy but I can’t promise to add it any time soon. I will create a task for it.

I made a new release (v.1.6.1) allowing you to rename actions based on the object selection. Let me know if you have any issues. I am not so familiar with how actions are handled in blender.
Files are already on Gumroad/Artstation Marketplace and GitHub.

You’re right. For some reason I thought actions were renamed on a selection only. I apologize for assuming that was the case up until the latest version.

Thanks for putting your attention to this. This addon helps me alot

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TLTR: an error appeared after installing and activating the new version.

Blender version: 3.3.0 LTS
Addon version: 1.6.0

I tried to install the new version, to do this, I did these steps:

  • I went to Preferences > Add-ons
  • I removed the add-on version 1.5.3 by clicking on the Remove button
  • Then I clicked on the Install button and selected the file
  • but when I activated the new version, I got this error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\blender\Blender_Builds\stable\blender-3.3.0+lts.0759f671ce1f\3.3\scripts\modules\", line 312, in enable
  File "E:\blender\Blender_Builds\stable\blender-3.3.0+lts.0759f671ce1f\3.3\python\lib\importlib\", line 169, in reload
    _bootstrap._exec(spec, module)
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 619, in _exec
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 883, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "C:\Users\xan2622\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.3\scripts\addons\simple_renaming_panel\", line 47, in <module>
NameError: name 'info_messages' is not defined

I guess, right after removing the previous version (1.5.3), I should have saved preferences, quit Blender, and relaunched it. Then, only after this " Blender restart", I should have installed the new version.

But wouldn’t there be a way to hide this error message (or instead, to display a message asking the user to restart blender prior to install a new version)?

Thanks for reporting .This seems to be a bug on the old version (1.5.3). I haven’t unregistered a setting properly. It seems to work if you simply activate the simple renaming panel twice :). Let me know if you have more issues. I will look closer into this for future releases.

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@Weisl -Really appreciate you adding the rename objects based on selection order and Rename Selected Collections, nice work! Thanks!

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Just wanted to say thanks for developing an awesome renaming addon for Blender :slight_smile:
I’m just wondering if you could send me in the right direction for scripting a batch rename for bones for your addon, to load a mapping or a dictionary of somekind so that I can just automate batch renaming of Objects and Bones. This would make my life so much easier than having to set “bone_007D” to “thigh_upper.R” and for the other 170 bones (Which I had to so before at some point haha). I’m more than happy to use Python to achieve this script, I would say loading the bone mapping from JSON or another file format would probably be ideal for sharing mappings between Users. Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

  • Claw
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This is definitly beyond the scope of this addon. Sounds like a common issue for processing mocap data thought. I am sure there are some solutions to investigate in Motion Builder, UEengine, or ever some other Blender Addongs.
Keeping it very, very, very simple:

  • My starting point would be to define some kind of mapping between different jason files.

  • Then regex search pastterns to find patterns in dic1 and replace them with patterns from dic 2, save the result in dic 3.

But what if the order should change L-leg to leg_legf??? I think the most important thing is to be clear about the main features you want to have. Sorry for not being more helpful.

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It looks like this dev might have an addon that can help you or at least point you to a better approaching point than i can.

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Thanks for the information, yeah that makes sense. I will definately have a look at what this developer has on his blener market page :+1:

Small new release: SimpleRenamingPanel_v1_6_2


  • #124 Add support for renaming particle systems.

Hi I noticed there is a bug in the latest version. when I use the renamer it creates duplicate of names and when I rename selected meshes it renames also some unselected meshes.

also when I download the latest version 1.6.2 I end up with the 1.6.0

This should be fixed with version 2.0 coming out soon

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Hello! Is there any way to replace default numbers in names with letters? Couldn’t figure it out( Like

Box → Box.A
Box.001 → Box.B
Box.002 → Box.C

There is no way to do that

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