Hey. So, I have a very simple request - the Bake panel disappears under the Blender Game renderer. Since baking is a simple process that works in the BGE (it’s just baking an effect, like shadows or ambient occlusion to a texture), it would be appreciated (at least from me) if the panel would appear under the Blender Game renderer as well. It’s a bit out of the way for me to switch to Blender Render just to bake a texture. Thanks.
Agreed, it really should remain accessible there.
That makes a lot of sense. I support this idea.
i totally agree! I got more then once annoyed with this issue
This would be great!
This should be useful (and I believe, not so hard to implement) feature.
you have my vote too
Frustrates me also
If this is a good idea or not I don’t know (I have some mixing feelings about that since this is an extense gray area). But anyways, in order to have it available in your blender you can edit the ui files It’s pretty straightforward:
Go to your “blenderfolder/2.56/scripts/ui/properties_render.py”
– on windows it can be C:\Users\MYUSER\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.56\scripts\ui\properties_render.py -
find “class RENDER_PT_bake” (line 609 in 2.56a, 610 in svn today) and copy the whole class.
– stop when you see def register() -
open in the same folder the file properties_game.py
in the end of the file, before the line def register() paste the copied code.
replace the 3rd line of the pasted code from, to:
- save your file, close any open instance of Blender (ahh save your work first? :p), launch it again and do the hack dance !