@Novman - I know you have put a lot of effort into doing this the way Ricky wanted, I didn’t want you to be upset because I suggested another method. I didn’t get the impression you get offended, just didn’t want to offend you!
Thanks …
I think what you should consider is that Forums are here for a reason…
if some one gets offended by you posting a different way…
Remind them that there is more than one way to skin a cat…
and that your way does… in fact work… and that your giving more options to the original poster…
and that he/she is the one that should have the freedom to choose which way they want to use… or need to use… or must use…
when it comes to problem solving…
rarely is there ever one ‘right’ way …
There only a the ‘best’ way for the task at hand…
but even that way will have flaws that someone has yet to address…
all the arguments about ‘how’ to accomplish it …
well really is a waste of time…
and you get into selfish pecking order BullSuds…
don’t listen to the Art for Art sake people or even the Commuism vs Captialism crap that people will try to site…
if your doing work for a customer… that customer is your Dictator… if they like it… your done… get paid… move to the next project and do better on that one… don’t waste your precious time on other people’s opinions…
If your doing a work for yourself… sure take everyones advise… but… your the Dictator… (the one to please) so in the end you choose which advise your going to take and which your not…
There is only one Dictator we all must please…
and that is Mother Nature… (the Universe)
and if you have pleased her…
then you’ve done your job…
having said all this… there still is no reason to not play ‘nice’ with others…
the Road to Intelligence for us all lies along the Road of Reason… Debate… Discourse… the exchange of ideas…
the Road blocks on that road are Screaming Noise making Nonsensical Hair Pulling Back Flipping Flip Flopping Troll baiting Back Biters…
(I probably left out a few choice words in that description) … but I think you know who I’m talking about when the show up…
Post your stuff… and give reason why you like using your method…
others will post their stuff… and do the same…
if you see a flaw in a particular method… bring it up… so that the Thread starter will benefit from your knowledge…
Every time you post… you risk having what you have posted critiqued…
and that’s the way it should be…
except some only Crit to scratch their Troll bug…
ignore them if they don’t make any since…
but if they do make some since… study what they have said to see if it is valid…
you have now benefited from their information… wither they wanted you too or not…
So finally, I will tell you this… and I learned this a long time ago from a very wise Teacher…
If you can’t teach what you know too others… you definitely don’t understand what your doing enough…
So keep on Teaching others what you know Clock…
because you will only get smarter by doing it…
and you will make someone else smarter than you eventually and they will start to teach you more stuff… and the cycle will benefit us all…
and don’t let me… or anybody else stop you from doing that…