Simple rigged human model-- inquirey

hey, can anyone possible throw me over a very simple looking rigged human male model… no features nessicary. i just need basically a dummy to map out some stuff to do later with a more advanced model. full credit will be given, and if you ever need one of my models, i gaurentee its availability…

jsut a nice rigger model that i can animate of a person. (and no, blendo does not quite work, but along those lines.)


Chech these out (In Nan Demo Archive) Hove low poly fem, and high poly M and F

anyone have a RIGGED one?

how’s that


Micheal I haven’t seen your site in awhile and it looks great. Those are your high poly count male and female models I have posted. Heres (I think Rashs) old IKA tute on walking and uses an artists wood model type ridgid body. Alt+A to see anim.

thanx for all thehelp

these arew coming ver close, but not quite…

either rigging or bodies are showing up… the two combined would be perfect!

what about going to the blenderchar website and downloading blendo? granted, he’s not exactly human, but he is a biped.

ya, i ttried out blendo… see…

i hate to admit it, but i am doing some spiderman animation, so i need a tall, slender, male or female form to attempt his motion.
Unfortunatly, even though blendo is a great character, he is too short and stumpy to see it i can make him movie like spidey!

So i need an acutal person, rigged up to move.
If it works out i will leanr to make a good human model and rig it, but i need ot see if i can do the motion first, asnd i am on a deadline. I used the blender girl for one, and it looked alright,m but she is too chunky

any mroe ideas?

You could modify blendo; scale him (and his armature) to human proportions, then increase the number of bones in his back so he can be limber like spidey.


not as easy as it sounds