Simple UV Mapping/simple modelling Tutorial.Pics now showing!

This Tut is for those of you who have never UV mapped before.
(Warning! not all PC’s can handle UV mapping. if your PC can’t handle UV Maps, don’t do this tut!)
Part 1:Modeling the skateboard
First Save this picture or go on Google and find one:
Then open blender and delete the default cube. Add a plane and make in the size of a skateboard.
Then,While in front view, Extrude it down a little(Ekey and then Zkey)
Then Subdivide three times and use Box select(Bkey once) grab all of the vertices except the two edges at the ends of the board
Then, pull the blue arrow down while holding Ctrl and go down 1 notch.
Then go to top view and select all of the corner vertices(make sure to get all of the the layers)and push S for size.when your making them smaller, make sure to hold down Ctrl and size it down like the image below.
Now grab the four that were right next to the corners and size them in the X direction,use the middle mouse button until you see the line going horizontily (Tip:don’t hold Ctrl on this part)make it look like the pic below:
Now we are done with the modelling part!
Part 2:UV Mapping
UV Mapping is used in most games,but does slow them down more than regular textures.
go into UV Face Select Mode(in the place where object and edit mode can be found) and select the bottom of the board(go to the bottom view,Ctrl+Numpad 7 or Ctrl+View Menu, top view option)
split the screen on the side(right click on border between 3D View and Buttons window and click split area.then in the window select, pick UV image editor,(the one with the face).then in the 3D view push U and click Unwrap. Then push U again in the 3D View and click Project from view.
then, go to the UV image editor screen, go to the bottom header and click image_open and pick the skateboard image. in the UV screen push A to select all and Rkey to rotate it. while in rotate mode, push 9 and 0 to rotate the UV’s 90 degree’s.
Now Resize the vertices to fit the image as best as you can.(use same controls as in 3D view.)PS: My Blender didn’t show the skateboard image this time?
now add lighting to the bottom. add a sun and maneuver it until it looks good to you. then do whatever you want with it, render it or use it in the BGE.
Final in The BGE


The pics are still not showing.


now they are

Nobody likes this tut?

I think it’s important that someone new to UV unwrapping and texturing see how the UVs line up with an image. You need to remake that one figure so that the image shows up in the UV/Image editor.

Its good. A keeper, except for this bit: “My Blender didn’t show the skateboard image this time?”

You need to get that sorted.

I said that Because Blender didn’t show the skateboard image