simplified simulation for inertia and other small sim

I open this to move a discussion here from another topic.
Plus it may be easier to search/find so others may benefit too.

I show here some simplified simulation for inertia and other small sim.

Using a pseudo simulation, that is a not full cloth or soft body, but a simpler setup for faster ways.
It is useful when you need simple sim on very complex objects, where a full sim would be slow and hard to setup.

 <i>If u have other simple sim tricks like this, please post them.</i>

  <i>I use a principle that I read long ago in other places, blender clan tank thread or so and before that.
If u know such reference, also, please post it.

soft body trick0 is a blend with the very basic setup, for a cube top to get some inertia
the setup:
-vertex groups for top/base, bone to deform the top, bone gets the location from a smaller sim
-the smaller sim is a 3 point line with vgroups for ends and middle.
It has a simple cloth sim, pin the ends, and middle will move with inertia.
-this way the verts with a certain vgroup will copy the move (by bone) from the smaller sim

soft body trick1 is a bit more than first, as it has a subdivided cube and a bbone for a more smooth effect
the setup is the same
(This is probably more like the example we have discussed elsewhere)

variations on the same priciple for a small car setup:
may ignore the rest of the wheel etc setup, I’m pointing here to the car body inertia (exaggerated to be obvious)

the car body is springing with some inertia using 2 small sims, for xy and for z
this allows extra control with the constraints for xy or for z

or for a small soft cable setup:
this is a setup for 1 single robotic object (rigid) parts moved by bones
the cables attached are just curves, with 2 bones, inertia copy from small sim

Please add other examples using this
and using similar small tricks.

Wow, thank’s! These are really great examples and it’s much easier to understand now how to get effects like that. I have tried to use similar setups and they kind of worked, but now I actually will understand what I’m doing. :slight_smile:
On the other hand, I must say that Blender would benefit from implementing some other, easier ways of achieving this. Jiggle deformer in c4d is really easy to edit and you don’t have to know anything about rigging.
I subscribed to this thread and will post if I find something great to post or maybe from some of my own projects. Thank you again!