Simplistic Interior

Hello everyone! Before I show you the image, I just want to point out that i’m 14 therefore there might be some unrealistic regions. But without further ado:

Blender 2.72
Render time: somewhere around 80 hours (because cycles)
Final post processing done with Photoshop.

Here are some images of the .blend

80 hours ?? you should get a medal of patience :slight_smile:

Overall it is very nice but there are many thinks that I find not very good:
1: The curtain looks like it is moving in the wind. It is catching unnecesary attention. The scene is not about the curtain :slight_smile:
2: The paint on the wall is not very nice. The colors don’t match perfectly and the shapes remind me something what I would not like to have on the wall :smiley:
3: The twigs in the foreground are not necessary for the composition. They don’t add any depth to your image, they are just distracting.
4: The plants should be more dense and bigger or have smaller flowerpot.

I agree with maraCZ’s 3rd and 4th points. I would also add a picture behind the sofa. I feel it would add some additional interest to the wall. Great job overall! :slight_smile:

nice mood,lighting looks realistic.

OMG !!! 80 hours dude??? What are your specs? single core CPU ? What resolution? How many samples ?

Man… While result is not bad at all, lighting is really good, i couldn’t stand this part:

Right now i’m working on some project that involves making realistic furry toys for 1080p rendering. And, you know, at the end of the fifth minute when cycles has already finished rendering with pretty acceptable quality (almost no noise, clean dof. GPU 980gtx 4gb), i know for sure that, maya with MR for example at that time would only finish exporting to MR (lots of furry surfaces) and will need 10+ minutes more at least to render decent quality fur with hdri and gi (will final gather flicker or not is a separate issue).

So in 5 mins i’ve got finished 1080p good quality rendering - “because of cycles”
And maya with MR just finished exporting and starting rendering - “because of maya and MR” :smiley:

Don’t get me wrong, every engine has it’s pros and cons, but speed is not cycles weak point at all.

So i would suggest optimizing your scene a bit. I’m sure i would get it rendered in 1 hour in anyway.