sims game question

hej, Im making a sims game. I need an empty to move a certain distance in 1 time. Like this:

And it would be nice if you an also hold it.
(Sensor keyboard f:50 -> and -> dloc 0.5 doesn’t work)

With activating true level triggering, the action will repeat after time f:50 for example. Does anyone know how to make that the action on CAN be repeated after a certain time unit?

I’m not quite sure if I understand your question. Are you looking for a way to prevent more than one action from occurring at a time, or creating a delay between actions (or 1 cycle of a repeated action)? I’m guessing using a timer property may be the solution.

uhm, I need an empty to move a certain distance with one keypress. but thats now to regular

He is talking about using some sort of a grid script. A snap to grid script. I guess.

You’ll need to set up a timer, and a script that snaps you to the desired location with a single keystroke. If you haven’t already, then your best bet is probably to learn Python.

No time to learn python now :stuck_out_tongue:

But does anyone has a good script or another way to do this?
And I indead mean a grid script. But I don’t speak English well so it’s a little hard to explain :stuck_out_tongue:

already found solution :stuck_out_tongue:

thx anyway :slight_smile: