Sintel and Star Wars

Yesterday only, I decided to download the Sintel Lite model, and try it out. Thus I had an inspiration, and after some procastination, i set to work.

Finally, I came up with this. I would like feedback on this, as I realize it isn’t very good at all (even saying good is an overestimation).

Without post processing

And with post processing

You have to love GIMP :smiley:


*and here’s to hoping that I get some good advice and critique. ^^

Haahaha, thanks. I’m switching to Luxrender now, like it better :smiley:

Btw, add me on skype :slight_smile:
userid : swaschan


I’m planning on adding some volumetric effects, and adding holographic Yoda to the scene :smiley:

play with the lighting because sintel doesn’t have as shadow which makes her appear no in the scene.

yeah the lighting looks flat… the corners of the building look so bright, :slight_smile:
and the lightsaber supposed to ba a light source too, so there should be some soft purple lights on the floor and sintel’s leg…
keep going… :slight_smile:

Latest update : Ditch Sintel, lets load DAZ3D! :smiley: