Site 347

Site 347

This location was discovered by pathfinders crossing the Endless Desert.
Nobody knows exactly when the unknown space module crashed on the surface.
Nowadays it serves as landmark for travellers attempting to navigate the desert
or scrappers feeling lucky enough to still find salvageable loot in and around the site.

Let me know what you think? Would love to get some constructive feedback!


Final 01

Final 02

I came up with a simple desert landscape trying out a new version of World Creator and
used that as a base for another sci-fi environment which I had in mind.
I took the different splatmaps from World Creator to texture the landscape in Blender and to add some variations to the landscape.

The damage was a challenge in particular and I’m still not entirely sure if it’s the right or a good way of doing it. Unfortunately, there isn’t much knowledge around when it comes to modeling damage beside some surface damage or at least I wasn’t able to locate it, so I just went ahead with it.

Since the scale of the space module is massive, I used Substance Painter to create RGB variation masks for the large panel parts of the module, which I then took to Blender to blend between different tilable textures and to add a whole lot of variation in order to hide the repeating textures.

I created my first material in Substance Designer - a rugged fiber material, which I then used to enhance the damage of the panels and to give it more of a rich feel to it, since the damage I modeled often came out too clean and too cgi looking.

Also, I played around a lot with the lighting and came up with these two lighting setups.

In the end, I also used photoshop to paint in some more damage and roughen up the edges of things. This worked surprisingly good and is a simple yet super effective method, even though I would like to do that in 3D in the future.

I mainly used these 6 materials

And here are links to my social, if you want to check them out too:


Great artwork, I like the final02 render but the white area of the sky hit my eye. Anyway great ambientation.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thank you Bart!

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If that thing came crashing down from space, I’d imagine the superstructure would have crumpled.

also, in sandy dunes like that, you’d see large drifts of sand building up after a few months:

Oh, absolutely. But where would be the fun in modeling a burnt scrap pile and call it a space module? Liberties were taken and retaining the shape more important. Regarding the sand, you’re right. However, when it builds up, it must also be carried away again at one point I guess and who knows if we’re actually on earth and not in a galaxy far, far away with quite different athmospheric phenomena :slight_smile:

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