Site design topics; Which ones are non-negotiable

I post this because at this point, I get the impression that everything from the avatar display code to the order of the forum sections is seen as non-negotiable and we shouldn’t request changes in those areas.

I would like to know if there’s still enough areas up for discussion so as to not necessitate the closure of the feedback forum. From what I have read elsewhere on the internet, it has become a widespread trend where the users are ignored and the site owners make tweaks mostly just for their liking. Maybe BA can buck the trend and allow enough discussion to give Blender the strongest community of all creative apps. Okay, so users were indeed listened to in some situations, but wouldn’t be nice for us to have a say in more visible changes?


From my perspective, nothing is non-negotiable. Some things are hard to do (and may require core changes to Discourse). Some things are low priority relative to other stuff that needs to get done. Some things are experiments that need time to determine whether they’re worth doing. Some things require more constant energy/attention than our small team of moderators can provide. We also have to balance the fact that those who speak up aren’t always representative of the whole membership of the site.

For the most part, I’d like to think that since the migration, most (all?) of the suggestions that have been easy, high-priority tasks have been completed. And at the very least, we’ve responded to every other request and suggestion that’s been made. If we’ve missed any, please point them out.

I plan on covering some of this in my talk at this year’s Blender Conference. I’ll be interested to know what kind of in-person feedback we get there.

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