Site update


I’ve posted some news on the frontpage about the recent changes to BlenderArtists. I’m going to add news to the fontpage more frequently, so if you want to stay up-to-date, check it out sometimes! (I know a lot of you jump straight to the forum)


Out of curiosity, would you ever consider making an RSS feed out of the news page?

I’ll investigate it.

yeah the news page seemed to be really out-dated lol
Keep up the great work Goofster!

another good way to keep a frech homepage is to add the Blenderorg and BlenderNation newsfreeds as you did.
Now the site looks brand new and fresh :slight_smile:
BTW.BlenderArtists for me will stay first and foremost the forum/community site. BlenderNation I consider the #1 source for Blender News. Maybe BlenderArtists focusses more on the artists?

It’s cool that you’re updating the site finally- it hasn’t been updated since elephants dream came out… no, before that. March, lol. Thanks!