okay Im not sure if Im allow to post this here but its still work…in…progress, and I kinda need a comments about this since Im a newbie on html…
It looks like a nice site design. I have been intending to put up an index myself using web dwarf. Looks really good.
I think what makes it effective is the LACK of design. In other words, all there is on that page is white. At least thats all I got.
okay me newbie on html so if u cant see this then I might have screwd it up.
Nonon…I saw that. But what I’m saying is, most pages are cluttered with all sorts of crap. SO…yours is very effective in that it doesn’t bother with junk and cuts right to the chase. I like that.
oh right I misunderstood, maybe i should ask first next time
The only problem I have with the white: Try looking at the page in the dark… It’s like staring into a light bulb…
i like the design, its simle
but its not good, to scale images down …
the point in doing thumbnails is, that the user can choose, if he wants to load a pic or not …
Good minimal start, but I’d recommend trying to use tables (there are tons of tutorials on the web… try webmonkey for some of them) for your gallery… it reducees the user’s need to scroll. Yeah, I know, it’s not a big deal, but it’s generally considered good design.
qiv: good point thats why I already change the image smaler (3k) that linked to the original.
Fweeb: thanks for the tip it will come in handy, im not a fan of html tables but that gives me an idea…
Jeeves: hehe guest your right its to white, it flash my eyes every time I load my web…
i like the style … but i would arrange the images different, maybe like
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ …
and i would use ffor thumbnails the same relation betweed wide and high (sry, 4 my englsih ;))
wow i like it.
I like the pictures, but please make bigger renders and the thumbnails smaller. I like the interesting white-on-black shapes that you are doing. Why not add text over them and use an image mapper for navigation. That would be great. Also, there seems to be a little to much empty space on the left side and between the top and bottom row of the images. I also find it a bit distracting that the thumbnails just pop up out of the black background.