I’ve tried searching, but to no avail. Does anyone know how to change the actual size of the particles emitted? It seems to vary from animation to animation. Any ideas on what is going on?
Hm, there is the HaloSize button in MaterialButtons for Halo materials.
Particles may seem to have different size if the material settings ar different (Hard, alpha, etc.) for the default HaloSize.
But that’s somehow too simple. Could you be more specific ?
Um, well, they’re not Halos. That’s why I didn’t use HaloSize. Specific, eh? Well, the individual particles that are emitted are huge. for reference, I just did the volcano tut, and the bits of lava are, like, the size of basketballs, compared to small, individual bit of lava spewing out. I tried turning them to halos at one point, but it didn’t seem to make a bit of difference. I don’t know if I can be more specific…
lol, i remember doing the volcano tut and having the same problem.
It would be best to give the particles a halo material anyway. I think particles emit their own light even if they’re not halos, and it gives you better control on their look. Then just decrease the halo size (i think 0.2 is good)
Thanks. I’ll give that a shot. And it’s good to know that I’m not the only one. It seems to me, after taking a second look, that the way it was done in the volcano tut was to use a texture that would allow some background color through, thus decieving the eyes as to the size of the particles (ie, with the proper texture enabled only part of the spherical particles would be seen, so they would look less like spheres and more like individual random bits. I think I’ll try this too.) Thanks a million for the thoughts.
Ok, Halosize did it. Thanx every one. BTW, does anyone know if the emit properties of halos can be turned off?
you can sorta use the alpha value to fade your particles, but that doesn’t work too well for that purpose.
AFAIK, there is no way to make the halo’s emit less, but you could always just make the colours darker.
Easy way to do this is to switch to HSV colour mode, rather than RGB. You can then use the variation slider to fade the colour to black.
Reducing the ADD value might bring the effect you want to achieve. If you want it even less halo-ish, then you should press the SHADED button which will make the halos responsive to light (which means they are dark when no light shines onto them)
Ahhhh. I will try both of those ideas for the fountain I’m modeling. I wish to do it at night, so there will be spotlights shining up through the water. I hope I can get the ripples right. Ummm, what does AFAIK stand for?
As Far As I Know, this is some secret blenderhead code… 8)