
Started as a speedmodel to show Blender for my friend, but I ended up liking it. So I rendered it bigger and put in some post-pro.
So here it is!

Hi res - 1920x1080 (Full HD)
Oh, and it’s 100% Blender Internal.

Very nice! I especially like the texture work here. The grit o the back really hands it realism. The DOF’s a bit strong, and a more contrasting background would help, but that’s all I can think of to crit here. Nice work.

Thanks. Was thinking of something like an HDR probe for background too, but it was too distracting and pulled off the focus from the skateboard.

Cool! I like especially the blue color of the wheels, was that done in post-pro? A grip, a little wider wheels perhaps (at least they were wider when i used to “skate”) and different kind of background would have been nice, maybe a blurred real picture? but anyways good one especially for a quick model.

Nope, the wheels were just like that from the first page at Google image search. :smiley: