Sketch Concept Modeling

All steps of a project going through a workflow I used the first time here:

Although this project is the second one it took longersince I had to split up the worktime through multiple days.Also I invested more time into getting the concept as accurate as possible in 3d.

Not much love went into the sculpting process, sorry for that. Texture painting and short animwill be done in eevee once it reaches production stability. (initial tests look promising)
BaseMesh: 1806 subdivs

Interesting project, especially since I’m not that much into sketching and creature modeling. But I like the
process, especially since its very controlled, especially on the time / quality front, and less “mood dependend”

Could not resist to at least tryout 2.8 texture painting in combination with eevee… still some refresh problems and heavy crashes (for example this turntabke render crashed on average every 20 frames)

This is just an initial test, needs a lot of love (and incooperate a bit the krita color scheme)

Will postpone further work on this until 2.8 is out or even later…still very promising

Also used the texture with slight modification for a cycles render :slight_smile:

This looks amazing!

Will you do a full sculpt or just the head?

PS: Why this site feels so dead now?

yes I’m planing to go full body