I need to have images like the Autocad plots (technical drawings) out of objects that has transparent/glass materials (no dimensions necessary). Is there an easy way to get a sketch drawing like output with a mechanical model in Blender perspective or camera view port?
LineArt modifier to GreasePencil was introduced in 2.93
See Release Notes for v 2.93 for details.
given object | collection | scene, that you wish to “LineArt”…
Add » GreasePencil » (pick one of)
- scene Line Art
- collection Line Art
- object Line Art
Based on active camera, this modifier auto fills the Grease-Pencil instance with a view-dependent 3D outlining:
Edges are found w/ normals perp to view-angle & interpolated AS IF YOU HAD TRACED AROUND THE OBJECT(s).
This outlining LineArt is still a 3D object, that only “looks” right from the Active Camera angle.
It is fully 3D still, however, so looking at the generated lineArt from a different angle has artistic possibilities.