Sketchup to Blender. Measurements problem.

I used sketchup 8 to model some stuff and then imported my model to blender to complete my project but i was shocked by how big the imported model was.
I did some tests, I opened blender and exported the default cube and then imported it into sketchup and found out the measurements are 2meters, that means every unit in blender translated as 1 meter in sketchup. But when i imported 1 meter cube modeled in sketchup into blender i thought i will get a cube that is half the size of the default cube in blender but this is what i got.

I got a huge cube!!! What is wrong here?
Please help me get my model in the exact size i modeled it in sketchup to blender

Look in the Scene / Units panel. The scale value is probably not 1. Check the dimensions of the default cube in your scene (most likley not 2m) and the dimensions of your imported objects to check it’s correct. The scale value is the factor used to convert from blender units to your object dimensions.

If you go to the scene tab in the properties panel, you can change the units,
And switch to metric (or type in 0.1 for centimeters).

This might help you get the right measurements in your import/export process.