skull, hand drawn

this is not a blender work, so sorry if its not welcome :wink: but i didnā€™t want it getting torn apart on its just a pic that was drawn by hand and re-drawn in photoshop with some color added, everything is done in channels so one day it may be screen printed to a shirt just showing that i do have some skill at hand renderings :wink: now that i look at it, i may use it for a decal on my lowrider truck.

Hell yeah its good to see some 2d work on elysiunā€¦

Cool pic 8)


wow that kicks ass! great render! :wink: the coloring is amazing, great work

Amazingā€¦ Never knew you could do that kind of stuff with 2D programsā€¦

thanx for the replies, hannibar, just spend some time and you can do alot with 2d programs, its actually pretty easy, just have to be creative.

You give me an idea.
Would it be possible for elysiun to create a forum section only for 2D work.
3D artists would give concept and blenderhead would have to create 3D versions of it, as a challengeā€¦

Is it stupid?


Cool pic.

Hannibar: Did you think that photoshop is only for fixing red eyes off your family photos? :wink:

Sweet, If only I could draw like that, my texture shrotage would be solved! :smiley:

You give me an idea.
Would it be possible for elysiun to create a forum section only for 2D work.
3D artists would give concept and blenderhead would have to create 3D versions of it, as a challengeā€¦

I think thatā€™s a great idea!

slams his fist on the table I SECOND THE MOTION!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

hell, its my topic, :wink: i vote for it as well, i would love to see other peopleā€™s hand draw or 2d work on here

Looks cool scrappy, I think it would rock as a decal. Try putting a tail of flames behind it.

Go through these:

and you should be able to make decent textures :wink:

  1. pofo