Skycaptain Robot - Blender Battles Grudge Match - Entry WIP

1940s style robot, inspired by the new movie, Skycaptain.

This entry is part of the grudge match between Sonix and I over on blender battles.

Here’s my draft, pre-texturing, and full of hurricane inspired goodness :wink:

(Blended during Hurricane Frances)

Comments and suggestions welcome.


Hmm, almost 100 views and no crits?

Must need a LOT of work, or I just hit the time zones wrong…


I think it’s wicked mate. Tough to see the whole model cos of the black bg, but what I can see looks really good. Really like the concept too.

You doing a scene as well?


Thanks Sonix!

Yeah I am considering a scene right now, depends on the track of this next hurricane though :wink: Might be really simple, or rather complex. Guess I’ll wait and see.

Model is a tad dark, however I liked the toon shading with spot lighting, kind of gave it a “middle of the night” look.
