
I remember looking through the Maya demo CD and saw an example of them supplying a window in the program with sliders that controlled the animation in a user friendly way.

Is there a way to implement something similar in Blender? Basically what I was think was having the ablilty to control the rotation of an empty based on a sliders value, so in stead of having to select the empty and rotate it, just ajust the slider and save the keys as needed.

Perhaps this should be in the Python section, but someone here must have had a need to do this at some point. Anyone got any ideas?

select the Empty and press N


Yeah, that is a great start, functionally what I need. if only it was interactive, then it would be perfect.

Circle the day on the calander, Door3 is actually able to answer a Python question. Many thanks to JMS and Theeth for all of the coaching and patience.

Here is a slider bar that rotates an empty

sample file at

#Posted on Elysiun Forum to help Javawoky
#Door3_C. Cowen
#[email protected]

import Blender
from Blender.Draw import *
from Blender.BGL import *

Ttext =" c"
Text (Ttext)

def Section():
	global Tscroll

    	glClearColor(.7 , .27, .188, 10)
    	glRasterPos2i(50, Tscroll.val)
    	Text (Ttext)

        obj = Blender.Object.Get("Empty")
        obj.RotX = Tscroll.val
	Button("Exit", 1, Tscroll.val, 10, 80,20)
	Tscroll = Slider('3 ',2, 50,  50, 350, 20, Tscroll.val, 2, 400, 1, "")

Tscroll = Create(50)

def SecondEvent(evt, val):	
	if (evt== ESCKEY and not val): Exit()

def bevent(evt):
	if   (evt== 1): Exit()
	elif (evt== 2): Draw()

Register(Section, SecondEvent, bevent)

That’s great. Now, I’m pretty sure you could apply that to the active object instead of a fixed name empty, right? :wink:


it crashes on load up for me.
tested in tuhopuu and 2.28, also tried to append the file out of it. crash still.

please post a zip.

It crashes for to, but after typing it in it seemed to work. I will give it a try when I get home later on my faster home box and see how it goes. Thanks!

You took out the empty spaces at the end of the lines that the browser puts in?

hey is there un updated blende file ?
It just won’t work for me. I think that it is coruption in the download.
Could you please zip the file, I realy want to test it out. It sounds neat




Please … ^v^