Slow Blender startup. How to find what might be a reason?

I love how instantly Blender loads usually. In it’s default state. But somehow through time and gazillion addons installed it now takes more time than 3d max on my PC.

Does anyone know how to get a start up log or something to figure out which addons makes it so slow?

Blender itself, as far as I’m aware of this, stores only information of crashes, which can be found here:

When you open Blender, as far as I understand, it loads all the add-ons at once automatically. I think the only way for you would be is to disable them step-by-step to figure out which one of them puts the most huge load on Blender.

Hope that helps.

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It’s slower than blender 2.79, but there’s no big difference. (The default memory usage is high, so there will be a difference.)

If you don’t understand the loading speed, there must be a problem with Addon or the default settings.
I think you can check it by backing up the settings and resetting the blender.

※ Basically, if you use addon a lot, it’s natural that the loading will slow down.
The problematic addon can be checked in the console window after loading.

I think the only way to find addons that interfere with loading is to activate them one by one and find them :sweat_smile:

Thanks guys. My guess one by one then. It’s what I hoped to awoid :frowning:


Well, you can always go 10 by 10 or so. It’s very likely that one addon is slowing you down for the most part, so when things starts to get faster you know the culprit is in the last batch.

I suspect something big that tries to connect to a server, for updates or something…

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While I have not personally used this (and am not trying to personally promote or demote it) you may want to try to find something similar to:

PowerManage - Blender Market

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