Slow games

I got the new blender game kit book (Get it, don’t think just get it! It’s the best thing since sliced bread!) and I’ve been trying to run ‘Yo Franky!’. But it runs so slow. Besides having to wait five to ten minutes for level transitions I have to run it on the lowest graphics settings for it to not be too choppy to play. I thought it might just be ‘Yo Franky!’ so I downloaded and tried a few others and they were slower than dirt too. Duk Duk was the slowest. I’ve seen the demos on youtube and those look like their running fine and I haven’t read any complaints on the forum. My system specs are:

CPU AMD 2.6 ghz
FSB 1000 mhz
RAM 1 gig
Graphics Nvidia Geforce 6100
Windows XP w/Service Pack 2
Brand E-Machine (This could be the problem)

Any ideas of what I should do to optimize my system for BGE?

Act like me, maybe…just don’t play those games?!

" Graphics Nvidia Geforce 6100"

Ehh…this is right the bottom limit of recommended cards for BGE. BGE is not the fastest engine. Better have smth like GF 7xxx or better

Awesome, so my system does stink. Well, this explains it anyway. Though the good thing is I can cater my games for a slower graphics card.:cool:

Yeah. Many of us have this problem. I mean, I can play most stuff if I shrink the screen down, and .exe files generally play faster than in Blender, but it’s annoying. People going mad about 180fps with the latest shader scripts and I get about 3 SPF. :frowning:

If you disable shaders in YoFrankie it should be playable (in the options area), Even my intel-gma945 works (looks crappy but works).