Alright, i’ve been working on this for a bit recently and I’m not sure how it’ll run on other computers so I need to test it out on them. My character is kind of high-poly (1700 polies) but I made it with metaballs and i couldn’t decimate it. I don’t plan to make the levels that high poly, so don’t worry. The only thing I’m worried about is the framerate problem, so if the animations run slowly but the motion is fine tell me.
Hey Pooba, The animation ran really smooth, really nice. I dont know what the fram rate was but it was definatly slow, like slow motion. The animation was very inpressive though…I ran the blend file. I think an exe file would be even slower? Nice Animation…
runs at 15.5 fps for me wich is good. awsome animation only thing is fix the run/walk cycle. like make the char take more steps to run/walk. because it looks like the char is slideing along the ground. But very nice animation and runs fast for me
The reason that it can look so weird is because I’m using a play property and a add property acuator, so his running animation depends a LOT on the fps. I think i’ll just go back to normal animations, though the property gives me a lot more control over the character. I’ll have to figure out something to make it run the same on all the computers.
I get 60 FPS on pretty much every game, so that’s what i designed it for. If i could get that script that Ben wrote to add a property at a correct interval I could get it to work fine.
pooba: if it doesnt go above 60 fps, that usually means you have vsync turned on. Check your display settings:
right click desktop
go to settings
go to advanced
go to opengl
look for vsync. On my graphics card it has an option for “always on” and “application specific”. Set it to something thats not “on” whatever that may be (application specific, off, something to that effect), then run your demo again.
Vsync basically makes the graphics card only render as fast as your monitor can refresh. If it’s on, you wont ever get a higher framerate than 60.
When I run your demo as blend file I only get about 20 FPS, but if I make an EXE. file with it, it runs must be well over 100 FPS (well over) I dont know why it runs so slow for me as a blend file. Usually the blend file will run a little faster for me on my CP. MMM! :-?
Property:timerr:interval:0.2 to 100 -> and -> property:timer=0 and -> frame + 1
Adjust the 0.2 until you find the right speed and it will always play the same speed. So when the timer gets above that number, it resets to 0 and incrmements the frame!
With python, you could figure out how much time has past since the last frame, and incremement frame by that amount times some multiplier value, to have time-based smooth animations. THe logic brick method above might be jerky, but it might work ok too, if your animation works out with it.
Yeah, I’ve been thinking about this and i’ll probably use that method. I thought there was a problem in detecting the right spot in the time, but then i realized that i thought a second was way shorter than it is.