Small kitchen scene

Hi, im a jonior 3d artist, a small kitchen scene im working on, would glad to get some advice on how to make it better and some feedback :smiley:
thanks ahed

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For architectural renders i always wondered: Okay the owner has enough money to don’t switch the lights off at broad daylight… :sweat_smile: or this somekind of standard to show the influence of both lights?? (Then again wasn’t it standard to use parallel vertical lines for archvis??). The cupboard look more like something from the living room. Design note: for a kitchen working place you have to turn arround anf make an adiition step forward to the cupboard ever single time you want something else… maybe think about this practical reasoning… for the render itself: not too bad… but i’m no expert in lighting… the window seems to look milky, pall… maybe too much volume? (there is dust reflecting the light in front of the left window part on the top right??)… just my two cent… maybe this helps to look at it from a different angle/point of view (figuratively :wink: )…

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thanks for the reply, Yes the lights are on for the sake of presentation haha
as i said im jonior 3d artist still learning these feedback is what makes you get better ;D and also im not actully indoor designer im learning 3d for game development i built it around reference photos of kitchens from the internet. thanks again for the reply i will work on the glass material for the window it does look kind of wird, and yes i did ty to add atmosphere to the scene with some dust in the room :smiley: