Small objects merging in render

Hi guys!
I have been working on a wine bottle render for some time, and i did not find a better way to create a silver gel texture on top of the label other than moddeling the text and illustration as a very thin object and parenting it to the surface of the label. When I am checking the viewport display to see the results, everything seems normal.
Also the link to the blend file -

When i start rendering, the gel is absorbed partially by the label it is attached to, and i could not find any solutions to this problem.

Has anyone encountered this before? I really need some help =(((

it’s difficult with so few info.
Are the normals oriented in the right way? Which modifier are you using? (Shrinkwrap, Solidify, etc).
Also, if you don’t mind doing it, you can also share the file (even just the problematic part): many more users will be able to help you this way.

Hi! Sorry, forgot to post the link to the file, you can also see there the label texture image, jic.
No modifiers were applied, it is also not the problem in the camera clip end/start. My guess is that there should be a setting which is enabled in the viewport display mode but not in the final render, but i still can not figure out what exactly is it.

I think you linked the Drive sign in page, not the file :grimacing:

Man, I think i managed the deal, sorry again ;D
Sometimes when duplicating objects and moving them to create another set, the duplicate still ends in the same place if you cancel the move operation. The duplicate had a solidify modifier on it, which was visible in the render but not the viewport display. My mistake)

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Haha no problem at all, it happens often to all of us. Glad you solved