Small procedural and driven displaced Terrain

Is there a tool in Blender to do something like that, starting from a real or generated heightmap?

I tried by slicing the faces of the displaced terrain using an array of planes in edit mode, but after extruding edges vertically from every terrace I can’t get blender to fill the horizontal planes. I tried using clean mesh > fill holes but it doesn’t work.

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I think you alread have all the elements previously in this thread to do that. Instead of using the noise generatos to make the displacement map, simply use the heightmap texture you want as the input. Benny_G shared the nodes to do that.

Edit : but if you target Eevee, that won’t work of course

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Thank you, I will try with my original heightmap.
I will need Eevee because I will render a 4000 frames animation with a camera moving on that terrain, Cycles would be too slow to do that.

That’s why I was looking for a solution to do it with the mesh tools instead of shaders. I wonder if I can apply the displacement to an actual mesh (in the same way the displace modifier does when you hit apply) and then use the mesh in Eevee.

Or I could create the mesh in SketchUp and import it in Blender…

So in this case one solution is to quantize the heightmap texture in photoshop or another tool.

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Anyway, here’s my attempt, after having converted OSL to node system (in order to be able to use GPU)

TerrainShader2019_Experiment1_nonOSLtrial.blend (1.9 MB)

thank you for sharing!