i have not started using 2.4 yet but win thay release the final version
else you also need to reorganize the body with remove doubles and recalculate the normals
but don’t do that now
yea i will join the 2 halfs win i am done with the main parts like ears eyes eye lids mouth leg retails finshing the 6 pack things like that.
here is a picture of the face i have widend the eyes abit added a nose and cut out a mouth hole.
so does anybody have any crits at all???
Where to begin…
Seriously though, there is a lot of work that needs to be done to this to make it look more realistic, but I’m not sure if that’s what you are going for. It looks like it is, but with no sketchs to base a comparison against it’s hard to say. I would seriously think about looking at as many images of the human body you can, then compare them to what you see on your model. There are lots of little details that are missing as of yet, and I know it’s still a w.i.p. so I don’t want to point out things that you already know are wrong or are getting fixed already. Overall though I’d say you need to work with it more in the round, as others have done, it looks like you spend most of your modeling time in the front ortho view, which is fine but sometimes turn it to a 45 degree angle and work on it. Or switch to Perspective and see if it still looks ok. Keep at it though, it’s gotten a lot better since the first post!!
well truth be told i am going for as real as i can the idea with this project is to push my own envalope abit farther and pushing my skills to the limet. i am working on some scethes but right now i will kidna give you some idea the feel i am wonting to convay threw these short storys i am wonting to have a vary dark scifi feel like cronicals of riddick or the matrix that vary dark world is over type feel couse win you bread it down this is about a world with many spieas going extinct. and any details or things you see are missing outside of ears eyes eye libs a butt hands feet lips i would sure love to no about becouse i some times forget about the small details win i am working on a project :(. i do see what you mean he has some odd shapes around is torso and diffrent areas i am working on rounding them out abit more but now i break for lunch 8)
ok affter a few hours i carved out the 6 pack abit better add’d some details to the arms and generaly shaped the body some more let me no what you guys think please be has harsh as you wont bee a detailed as you wont heck be as rude as you wont i will take anything
The arms are looking better, but the chest is all wierd, the top of the pecs are too low making your neck look too big and the bulg in the neck is not necessary. What you need to add in there is the collar bone protursions near the sholder where the pecs connect to, There should be a small pit behind that then the trapizodal muscles, yours are creeping into the front of the body and they should not. Also the neck muscles in the front of the neck in your model are too flat, the should be small cylidrical muscles that connect from under the skull and down to your collar bone area, surrounding the trecia which is too big atm.
Moving down, the abs look good but they look like they are plastered onto the body, try to take what you have and recess it into the torso so that the overall is relatively flat with the muscles slightly stick out, the vallies are what should have been pushed inside to begin with and then slight outward bulges. It also seems that you have forgoten a belly button, or have not gotten to it yet.
Back up to the head/face. This guy really has no neck, like one of those guys that does dead lifts all day. There is no real jaw line on this guy yet, nor cheek bone. Lips are under developed and the nostrols on the nose still need a lot of work as well. Still need to develope the eye sockets more and then creat eyelids that come out from there, and perhaps the upper fold over the eyelid if that’s the type of face your making, or a more almond shaped eye, just depends. Also need brow line and a much nicer forhead area. Ears have yet to be started, though you could take the easy rought and DL the ear that someone else uploaded for all to use.
I think that about covers it for now. Not hating, just pointing things out =)
now thats what i call a crit and a dang good one dont worry about offending me i dont take it that way that was the kidna of info i really needed
detailed to the point and all good info well at anyrate i have worked on the chest a bit and the collar bones havent made the bones that run un the neck yet but i am working on it having abit of trubel getting the right edge loop as it where to connect to the mideal of the coller bone to the back of the jaw without messing up the adams appel but i am working on it considering a compleat redesign of the neck area o and i moved the pecks up have not got to the abs yet or the face but one thing at a time right