Back for more fun. Now I’m running into an issue where the rendered smoke seems to glitch out on me, both in a full render, and the cycles preview render. My first thought was limits, but when I hit show limits, there’s plenty of room. No idea why. I’ve had this happen before and wasn’t able to fix it, I had to start over. proturb3.blend (1.2 MB)
The size of my scene seems to affect it. The smoke needs to be 800 feet tall, and since I can’t scale down the sensor on the camera, I made the scene pretty large. Scaling it down seems to have fixed the glitch, but now I can’t get the scale right.
Some ideas:
In the scene settings, convert to metric. There is a scale value which converts blender units to meters. So if scaling down the domain in blender units fixes it I believe you can fake the real world scale with that scale value.
In render settings, Performace, make sure ‘cache bvh’ is unchecked. I’ve had bvh’s close to 1 GB per frame, before long I was out of disk space.
2b) Check your disk space. If it seems unusually low, find the directory where bvhs are written to disk, and delete them. You may free up several TBs
I’ve had situation where a sim would run fine in one blender version, but barf in another. Try running it in 2.71, 2.72, 2.73 and possibly a nighly.
Any Motion blur? version issues have been affecting it, try 2.71.
I don’t have any motion blur, but that’s good to know about. Thanks