Smoke render crash in 2.5?

Every time I try to render smoke, blender crashes… At first, I thought it had something to do with the scale of my project, but then I set up a very simple scene and found that when a hit the render button, blender will crash.
Anyone know why??

I’m running Windows XP 32 bit by the way

I got 64 bit and it works for me.
by simple do you mean only a domain and a flow object, and what is the size of the two objects?

Yea, the simple test was just the domain and a cube as the flow. Not sure what the size was, but it wasn’t very big. Also, the cube only had like 200 particles and the smoke had it’s low default settings. Everything bakes fine, but then I try to render and it crashes…

are you able to render with f12 before the simulation at say frame 1?

Yep, I can render any single frame.
It seems my problem has worsened, I just tried to render a fluid sim and the same thing happened. Thing is, I just recently rendered one and it didn’t have a problem… Started thinking that maybe it was rendering in general, so I tried just hitting render with the default startup settings to see if it worked, and it did. Even tried doing that previous fluid sim again, and it worked. If it has to do with the quality and scale of the scene, I don’t understand why bakeing isn’t the problem. Because it renders just fine on any single frame.

I don’t remember this happening when I had 2.49 for the fluid, only the bakeing ever crashed, and that was because of memory.

to be prudent, check your computer’s cooling system for DUST…

Figured it out! Turns out I just needed to change the output format. I almost always use quicktime, but apparently blender doesn’t agree with it in this case. Changed it to avi and it worked for the fluid and smoke.