So this will start as a PSA/ Note to Blender programming or help with issue. Not sure if this is an issue that can be solved easy enough in the structure I have right now (Version 4.3.2).
This is a still from the animation
Set up is Smoke sim for the Armature… Geonodes for the text reveal… then finally a copy of the Geonodes text as a full mesh to make it have Smoke Simulation
Issue one… I have to make a domain around armature then another domain around the text… It would be great if Blender could make the Fluid Simulation able to place mulitiple “flows” in one domain??? Although if they did you still would need to be able to control each “flow” or they would all look the same… Just a thought… not sure if anyone is thinking about that out there. Or maybe there already is an addon that I don’t know about? I felt I did see maybe not an addon, but a smoke program? But again I think it is only one domain per object.
Issue two… You cannot do (that I know of) a “gas flow” simulation in Geonodes. How about a node like an “object info” that has the “physics tab” properties in it? Being able to adjust in the “modifiers tab”??? sounds like something that maybe already happening and I just cant figure it out or is there a node that I dont know about?
Issue three… I ended up having to make a duplicate of the text… Applied the modifier… placed the duplicate text behind the reveal text and then added another fog simulation to it. With some lighting and some flags (Film G&E term) I somewhat got the fog to reveal as the armature walks by. (if you look real close on the left side you can sort of see the duplicate text)
The idea was to get the armature to walk past smoking revealing the letters and have the letter have a little reminisce of smoke as they set. Only other option left would be to convert the text to mesh … separate each one then put a smoke sim box around each letter which sounds like a crap ton of work for what I wanted to do.
I am a Noob, so I am assuming what I did was the best i could have done with what I have or someone will comment saying Try this …or this information will go to someone that is well beyond my pay grade and develop an addon for this issue