How do I make good smoke for a steam engine in my game?
Use Gimp or Photoshop or some other program to make a smoke texture with an alpha texture for transparancy, then make a plane, align the plane so that teh face is facing in the same direction as the x axis, and go into the paint/face buttons and make sure halo and alpha is selected. Then use an add object acuator to add it.
You forgot something Pooba, the plane has to be aligned with the NEGATIVE x axis. It’s not a big deal though, if your halos dissapear, just go into edit mode, select all vertices, press W and choose ‘flip normals’.
The add actuator isn’t working! The plane I set up to add the smoke just…sits there. I see no smoke, though the plane with halo is working perfectly. I know the datablocks are connected: Always-And-Add Object.
:x Please Help! :x
The plane must be on a non active layer.
Just place it in other layer