Smooth surface with creased corner distortion issue

I am working on my first Blender project for a simple Buzz Lightyear animation.

I am on the green chest piece and am having some issues with smoothing. I have creased the edges needed corners but although the front part is smooth as expected I am getting some distortion right in the corner as you can see here

Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

You have not clearly shown the wireframe fro the model and no blend file to review

Some general comments
Don’t use faces > 4 sides with subsurf modifier unless on a planar surface and you know what you are doing
Avoid triangles on non planar surfaces
Try and have the polygons flow with the shape/curve you want
Try and have edges join at right angles
Remove any internal faces
Remove double vertices

Yes sorry you are right, here is the Blend:

Have tried but am still struggling for some reason…

The mesh structure wasn’t ready for even subdivisions nor creasing.

front_ja12.blend (127 KB)

Attached file has working copy of the geometry projected on the backing surface, offset, solidify to give thickness, before applying modifiers. Other object has added bevel, creasing, and optimized reflections by getting normals from the backing surface.

Thank you so much thats awesome! What did you do to get it working? Complete change of topology?

And would that be the data transfer modifier to keep the normals?

Yes, complete change in topology. I was looking for support loops and gradual change in face size for better subdivision on a curved surface

Data transfer was just extra step to unify the reflections. That projects the normals from the backing surface to the front surfaces on the plates (with a vertex group limit). Applying the modifier would store the normals as custom split normals data, and buttons for those are in object data properties, there’s also auto smooth option which it needs

and further down

Thanks so much for your help this has given me a better understanding. I am going to go back to my poor topology version and try and match what you have done. Sorry to be a pain one final question, what do you mean the model was “projected on the backing surface, offset,”?

Actually I had a closer look and can see you used shrinkwrap and used the offset on that. I really need to learn better topology methods I think thats the best thing for me. Thanks so much for your help man :slight_smile:

I’m pretty new to blender and well i need help with my model I’ve made and well whenever I smoothen it out with either sub surface modifier or with the smooth tool it distorts the faces and idk why if anyone is able to tell me how to fix it that’d be great I’ve had the same problems on other models I’ve made. It makes these types of creases