Hi so i like making food renders and in most food items like milkshakes breads etc there are multiple textures involved im looking for a way to remove tge harsh seperation between two materials
And look more like
Hi so i like making food renders and in most food items like milkshakes breads etc there are multiple textures involved im looking for a way to remove tge harsh seperation between two materials
Short version - you can’t. Long version- don’t use two materials, use one:
You can use a black and white mask to mix between two “materials”, by making two branches and combining them with a mix node:
With some tweaks, you can do whatever you want:
With a couple extra nodes and some simple drivers, you can make it look like your milkshake is being blended:
Possibilities are endless
( Next time… use the blender menu: Window → Save Screenshot …to make live easier for you… and us . )
interesting setup…
( …note to self: i do have to investigate the mix modes more…)